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  • Toolbending::Tiroir de cuisine

    De Ustensile
    Révision de 18 septembre 2015 à 14:48 par Stéphanie (discussion | contributions)

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    Tiroir de Cuisine


    Go into the kitchen and open the first drawer you come to and the odds are you’ll find the wooden spoon that is used to stir soups and sauces. If this spoon is of a certain age you will see it no longer has its original shape. It has changed, as if a piece had been cut obliquely off the end. Part of it is missing. We have (though not all at once, of course) eaten the missing part mixed up in our soup. [1]


    Introduction du cours, ces méthodes, règles du jeu et introduction des participants

    Biography of an object


     Q: I found these scissors here. Did you make them?
     A: No, I did not make them.
     Q: But who did?
     A: I do not know.
     Q: I found these scissors. Did you do this?
     A: No, they are not mine.
     Q: They are not yours? I was told that you did make them.
     A: No, they are not mine. You found them perhaps in the garage?
     Q: I talked to the welder. He said that you made them.
     A: Hehe, no.
     [A man approaches and says: He did it. He is just afraid. I ask: Is he shy? He answers: Yes, he is shy]
     Q: And when, when did you do this, Samat?
     A: A long time ago.
     Q: How long ago? A year ago, or two?
     A: A year ago.
     Q: And why?
     A: They broke, something should be cut, but then no one could go home [to get new ones]. We have to     work, we need to cut.
     Q: And those scissors, you use them both in the garage and at home?
     A: The handle was made of plastic and it got broken. They break sometimes.

    These scissors and their biography are included in http://www.folkforms.ru, a collection of self-made and re-made objects curated by Vladimir Arkhipov.

    1. Bruno Munari. Design as art (Penguin, 2009)