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  • Toolbending::Glitch

    De Ustensile
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    Erreur, bug, glitch

    Erreur : Perdre un hypothétique contrôle

    Dans le discours traditionnel des acteurs du logiciel libre, la libération de la partie informationnelle que constitue le code permet d’en prendre le contrôle  : son ouverture permet son appropriation par les utilisateurs qui peuvent alors redéfinir selon leurs propres critères les modalités et finalités de leurs outils. Mais si l’ouverture du code est une invitation à s’engager dans l’élaboration de nos outils, nous nous rendons compte dans la pratique que cette affirmation évacue le fait que le contrôle se fait toujours au détriment de quelqu’un d’autre. Les programmeurs contrôlent le code  ; les designers, le design  ; les typographes, la typographie, etc. Dans chaque cas de figure, il faut en premier lieu pouvoir pénétrer la culture qui l’entoure, rentrer dans le cercle. Pour nous, le libre suggère avant tout la volonté d’accepter de perdre un hypothétique contrôle, de lâcher du lest. Cela signifie questionner ses certitudes, au bénéfice de recevoir en retour quelque chose de nouveau. [1]

    Bug : Erreurs Revelatrices

    Blue Screen of death @ Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremonies (2008) via Benjamin Mako Hill

    Weisner hypothesized that, "to understand invisibility the humanities and social sciences are especially valuable, because they specialize in exposing the otherwise invisible." Technology activists, like those at the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), understand this power of technology as well. Largely constituted by technical members, both organizations, like humanists studying technology, have struggled to communicate their messages to a less technologically savvy public. Before one can argue for the importance of individual control over who owns technology, as both FSF and EFF do, an audience must first appreciate the power and effect that their technology and its designers have. To understand the power that technology has on its users, users must first see the technology in question. Most users do not. Both the EFF and the FSF have struggled in their appeals to technology users who are not also technologists and developers — the communities both organizations are explicitly dedicated to serve. Errors are underappreciated and underutilized in their ability to reveal technology around us. By painting a picture of how certain technologies facilitate certain mistakes, one can better show how technology mediates. By revealing errors, scholars and activists can reveal previously invisible technologies and their effects more generally. Errors can reveal technologies and their power and can do so in ways that users of technologies confront daily and understand intimately. [2]


    Glitch : Authenthic Computer Aesthethics

    56 Broken Kindle Screens - Photographed E Ink, Collected Online, Printed On Demand Silvio Lorusso and Sebastian Schmieg, 2012

    There are moments in the history of computer technology that are rich in computer functionality producing distinct aesthetics. At such times, computer functionality reveals itself through technological limitations. Bottlenecks, such as processor speed, screen resolution, color depth, or network bandwidth -- 4- bit, 8-bit music, 16-color pixelized visuals, slow rendering, compressed image and video with artifacts -- create an authentic computer aesthetics, that is, the aesthetics of low-tech today.[3]

    Toolparade: Glitch

    Look for an Open Source tool, method or script that allows you to create glitches with images, video or sound. Pick one, try it out and document it on a new wikipage.


    • Description, sommaire (en français)
    • Comment l'installer ?
    • Comment utiliser ?
    • Catégorie: Bug / Glitch / Erreur ?
    • License ?
    • Essayez vous mêmes (éventuellement résultat + fichier(s) source) !
    • Testez vos manuels avec vos collègues


    Guest : Antonio Roberts


    I am sitting in a room, Antonio Roberts

    "I have used a script, created in collaboration with G Bulmer, that explores the font file and damages it by randomising the values that construct each glyph. The computer, doing only what it has been instructed to do, continually attacks the font files' data to the point where it is sometimes corrupted and not even it can interpret it correctly. The resulting video shows the gradual damaging of the data. The viewer will struggle to find meaning amongst the visual noise whilst the computer still understands it."

    Antonio Roberts is a British digital artist whose artwork focuses on the errors and glitches generated by digital technology. Many people would simply discard such artefacts but Antonio preserves these errors and displays them as art. With his roots in free culture he develops his techniques using open source and freely available software and shares his knowledge through the development of software.


    https://meet.jit.si/Ustensile [utilise Chrome/Chromium]

    1. http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/osp-bat-10-10-1.pdf
    2. Benjamin Mako Hill, Revealing Errors in: Error: Glitch, Noise, and Jam in New Media Cultures (2011)
    3. Olga Goriunova and Alexei Shulgin, Glitch. Matthew Fuller (ed) Software Studies, MIT 2013